United Pallet Network
Working in partnership with United Pallet Network and its nationwide network of over ninety members provides industry leading Carbon Neutral service for palletised freight.
From a centrally located hub near Lichfield Staffordshire, UPN operates a simple and effective hub and spoke distribution system specifically for palletised freight. The system links the national UPN network of member depots that collects and delivers freight every day from across the UK, and Europe.
“Team UPN” provide the UKs best Pallet Network and deliver market leading nationwide service for palletised freight.
Widest Range of Pallet Definitions
FSW Ltd & United Pallet Network offer the widest range of pallet options nationwide.
From small to large, we've got you covered!

Industry Leading Technology
SmartPOD Live Signature Capture and Track & Trace

Carbon Neutral Delivery
Working in partnership with United Pallet Network all FSW ltd Deliveries are now Carbon Neutral. The carbon footprint of all palletised freight deliveries handled by FSW and across UK UPN network is now calculated and carbon offset to become Carbon Neutral.

Get A Quote Now!
0121 541 1686

F.S.W. Limited
BIP Site, Gate 3
Tat Bank Road
B69 4NH
Tel: 0121 541 1686
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 0121 552 0457